《台灣夜店 OMNI 勇奪國際 iF 設計大獎》
.:: OMNI Wins iF Design Awards 2016 ::.

▶ 亞洲首間獲得 iF 國際設計大獎夜店
▶ 榮獲多項大獎肯定/定義亞洲娛樂新標準
▶ 台灣設計於國際間大放異彩

◉ First ever nightclub in Asia to win an iF Design Award
◉ Winner of multiple design awards, setting new standards for Asian nighttime entertainment industry
◉ Taiwan design talents shine throughout the globe

近年來國人對於設計與美學的意識逐漸提升,也陸續有台灣設計在國際間展露頭角。而今,適逢 2016 台北榮登世界設計之都,又有一項台灣誕生的設計在國際賽事中打敗群雄,再傳佳報!國內夜間娛樂龍頭 OMNI,日前傳出勇奪多項國際設計大獎,其中最亮眼的成績便是 iF 國際設計大獎,成為亞洲第一間獲得國際設計大獎的夜店,為台灣在國際間的時尚勢力再添一記生力軍。

iF International Forum Design 是一個創辦於 1954 年的國際產品設計大獎,每年均有來自全球各地超過 2,000 件以上的產品設計參加報名。iF 大獎是由數十位享譽全球的業界巨擘擔任評審,包含設計師及創業家,從數千項參賽產品中選出得獎作品。近 60 年下來,iF 已成為卓越設計及品質的象徵及設計界的指標型競賽,並與德國紅點 Red Dot、美國 IDEA,以及日本 G-Mark 並稱為「四大國際設計獎」。iF 素有產品設計界奧斯卡獎之稱。OMNI 此次勇奪 iF 設計大獎,更屬難能可貴。

除了 iF 設計大獎的傲人殊榮之外,OMNI 同時也獲得了艾鼎國際空間設計大獎、金堂獎、居然杯創新設計獎、China Good Design 中國好設計室內空間設計獎等諸多國際設計獎。不僅獲獎無數,甚至還有多項國際大獎在審核中;相信未來 OMNI 將會再度傳出捷報,繼續獲得獎項肯定。台灣設計在國際間大放異彩,實在值得令人振奮的消息。

OMNI 幕後的經營團隊 theLOOP 總監夏天浩表示,OMNI 訴求的是萬象包羅的極緻體驗,就像一個平台,讓各種創意在這裡發生。之所以能夠將層出不窮、天馬行空的想法,轉化為每天在 OMNI 真實上演的驚異體驗,是因為 OMNI 幕後的團隊 theLOOP 十多年來與諸多歐美頂尖製作公司合作而累積的實戰經驗,了解到將視覺、燈光、特效與演出完美整合的箇中秘訣。

在施工過程當中,許多細節都是國際間的全新技術,在台灣都是沒有人見過的未知領域。在設計與落實之間,需要燈光、音場、影像,以及室內設計與施工單位等團隊多方協調才有可能達成。夏天浩舉例到,譬如 OMNI 靈魂的弧形 LED 全景牆,是連國外也都還未成熟的全新技術;為了製造出完美弧形的效果,需要軟硬體多方單位,數百小時的工時才能研究出最適當的角度、間距與施工方法。有鑑於此,theLOOP 在規劃時招集了國內最一流的重量級大師協助,包括知名燈光設計師郭效承、空間設計師張祥鎬領軍的伊太設計等。在所有團隊的合作之下,順利將 OMNI 完整呈現於國人面前。

OMNI 給人的第一印象,是感官體驗所帶來的震懾。弧形設計的 LED 全景牆是一大亮點。對此夏天浩表示,除了在設備上的更新之外,更重要的是在於視覺的零失真呈現,也就是所謂的「完美像素 (pixel-perfect)」。在這樣的目標下,所追求的是現場 live 娛樂體驗的完美呈現。他強調,這份堅持不僅只是 OMNI 的特色,更是業界無法超越的;唯一能超越 OMNI 的,只有 OMNI。

OMNI 的設計靈感來自 “omni” 一詞所代表的「全方位」意象,以點、線、面切入整合宇宙萬物的概念,穿掃而過城市底藴的彩調。OMNI 所強調的三大中心理念「萬象」、「極致」、「雋永」。透過此三結點,形塑亞洲最經典的城市夜間文化景觀。OMNI 由台北出發,刻劃極頂級前衛的夜間文化,實踐夜幕之城滲透高質客級的渴望、獵捕國際都會的前瞻力,更展現了台灣設計實力的強大潛力。在如此性感風靡的挑逗下,仍不失文化質感的保存,衍為夜城中的絕一經典。

OMNI 的問世,不僅讓台灣的設計在國際間爭光,為 “MIT” 一字帶來新的意義之外,更為亞洲的夜間娛樂體驗定義了全新的工業標準。

As the overall sense of aesthetics grows in Taiwan, the island has shown its strength in design to the world. Shortly after Taipei was named the World Design Capital of 2016, numerous other design accolades are expected to flood the city. One of the most reputable awards that recognizes design excellence is the iF Design Award by iF International Forum Design GmbH. This year, OMNI, the trendiest club in Taiwan, received the prestigious iF Design Award for interior design in the Hotel/Spa/Restaurant/Bar category, making it the first nightclub in Asia to receive such an honor, and further solidifying Taiwan on the map of the international design scene.

The iF Design Award was founded in 1954 by International Forum Design in Hannover and has since been held annually to recognize design excellence around the world. It receives more than 2,000 applications every year, featuring dozens of world-renowned designers and entrepreneurs as judges. Over the past 60 years, the iF Design Award, along with the Red Dot Award, IDEA, and G-Mark, has become a universal symbol for excellence in design and quality. With the iF Design Award being one of the world’s most celebrated and valued design awards, the significance of OMNI’s achievement cannot be overstated.

In addition to the iF Design Award, OMNI has also won the I-Ding International Design Award, JingTang Prize, CIDA Award, and the China Good Design Award. It is truly exciting and inspiring for the Taiwanese to achieve such honors in the international design industry.

“The goal of OMNI is to provide the ultimate all-encompassing experience, providing a platform for all kinds of creativities,” explained David Hsia, the managing director of theLOOP, the parent company of OMNI. “Caturing crazy ideas and turning them into real-life experiences is what we do at OMNI on a daily basis. TheLOOP team has collaborated with world-leading event production companies for over a decade, and accumulated invaluable experience in visuals, lighting, special effects, and music, perfectly balancing all these elements to provide the best experience for our clientele.”

OMNI introduced a brand new system to Taiwan that was previously unheard of. To find an equilibrium between design and execution, constant communication between the interior design, lighting, audio, and visual teams is critical. Hsia mentioned that OMNI’s panoramic LED screen is a unique feature. To calculate the perfect curvature, hundreds of hours are needed to fine-tune the most appropriate angle, spacing, and construction methods. To achieve this, theLOOP collaborated with Etai, a well-known space design office led by world renowned designer Sean Chang, along with award-winning lighting designer Hsiao-Cheng Kuo. With the cooperation between these giants, OMNI was successfully presented to the people in Taiwan.

The first impression of OMNI is one of shock and awe, along with an experience of the sensational. The curved panoramic LED wall is the focal point of the venue. Hsia also points out that, in addition to updates to the equipment, the zero-distortion of a realistic visual effect, the so-called “pixel-perfect”, is the most crucial. The goal is to present the perfect live entertainment experience. He stressed that this is not just a distinguishing feature of OMNI, it also sets a new standard for the nightlife industry in Asia.

The inspiration for OMNI comes from it’s name, which means “all-encompassing”, using point, line, and surface to integrate a concept of the universe. OMNI emphasizes three central ideas: “encompassment”, “ultimate”, and “meaningful.” Through these three elements, the most innovative city nightlife landscape is formed. Starting from Taipei, OMNI has sculpted the pioneering nightlife culture, penetrated the highest level of quality services expected by social elites, hunted for cosmopolitan forward thinkers, and demonstrated the strong potential of Taiwan’s design strength. Under such sensual temptation, while preserving the quality of the culture, OMNI has become the iconic destination for the city’s nightlife. OMNI not only brought honor to the international design industry and a new meaning to the word, “MIT” (Made In Taiwan), but also set a new standard for the nightlife entertainment industry in Asia.

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